
媽咪自己用MOD的英語通自學~期待自己能持續每天早上的英語學習~每一課聽兩次.Keep going~~

【Van Gogh】Part 2

【Word power】

reject【拒絕】- Everyone was surprised when Clair rejected the most popular boy in school.

lesson 【課程】- On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have violin lessons after school.

finally 【終於】- After I called Melody several times, she finally picked up.

emotion 【情緒】 - I'm sorry but you're going to have to control your emotions.

1. enjoy + Ving - I enjoy having picnics with my friends in Spring.
2. keep + Ving - We keep talking until the sun set.
3. finish + VIng - when we finish throwing the trash, we'll back home.
4. mind + Ving - I don't mind staying in my friend's place tonight.

The mother shouted at her kids until she was blue in the face.

=> blue in the face =面紅耳赤 事情也無法解決的意思



landlady 女房東
landlord 男房東
chase 追求
masterpiece 傑出作品
unstable 不穩定的  stable 穩定的
English cutlure 英國文化
heartbreak(n.) 心碎
heartbroken(v.) 心碎的
